Saturday, April 4, 2009

Strange cats

I read a quote in the newspaper recently by an anonymous author which said,
'You will always be lucky if you know how to make friends with strange cats'
I don't know why I like it so much. I'm no dab hand at making friends with strange cats myself but it can't be that hard. Because I think all it takes is time and a few saucers of milk.

Maybe it's because strange cats always seem to find their way to me whether I want to befriend them or not. A few of them have already had their bundles of joy within my hallowed gates, at any rate. The latest additions being the three kittens currently sleeping on a bag of sand in the corner of my front porch. I got a bit close once and I swear, it only takes them moments to turn from cute, cuddly looking balls of fur to the tiny, fang baring spawn of the devil. But for all that, they're incredibly adorable. Anyway, I don't count on them reaching adulthood in the proximity of my house because my mother's benevolence only extends to the point of not having to clean up kitten poop (or any poop, for that matter). As soon as they're old enough to really stink up the place, they're getting the boot.

Talking about my mother, I had a nice long conversation with her yesterday. It was fun. Now she's convinced that nothing short of divine intervention will save me from myself. She also narrated the always gripping stories of Marriages Gone Bad. Very entertaining stuff. I suppose the main purpose was to instill in me the enormity of the wedded institution seeing as I'm living in the depraved era of divorce, IT,etc and also because my own mom thinks I'm nuts, but I'm not fooled. Gossip is gossip even if it comes with a moral. And I'd take gossip over advice any day.

I am also badly in need of a trip to an ice cream parlour and I can't wait for my models to end so I can drown my sorrows in a nice cone of vanilla ice cream. Most people can't believe I live close to a Creamy Inn outlet and have not yet tasted their stuff. So next week, I'm going to take a leisurely walk down the Chetpet road, enjoy the view (the Koovam is a knock-out) and get me some iiccce cream!


Von Tetsuya said...

ice must definitely hav some fr the kind of weeks I've been havin n gonna hav.....nightmarish!! X_X

Sakura said...

This guy here does nothing but work, work n work more around the clock. i seriously dont understand nor ever will how he does that! and he says that we sail in the same boat!! yeah ryt.. m on a wooden raft without a paddle n hez on a cruise liner! howz that for a boat! X_X

U have no idea how my life is Maia.. O_O :D

Maia said...

Join the club Meilin. Us folks on wooden rafts...we're all in the same boat. :)

Sakura said...

I dint mean him alone! It goes for you too!! -_-

Sakura said...

those are big cats O_O where r the kittens??

Maia said...

Hello? I don't work around the clock!I don't even look at the clock if I can get away with it!
Anyway, what're you talking about? Those kittens are tiny..they're not even two months old yet.

Sakura said...

I've seen baby ones in my terrace garden that cant even open eyes ^_^ but now, no garden in the terrace so no baby cats :( but there are sparrows n squirrels having their nest ryt inside ma house. and the rate at which these squirrels are reproducing.. we r expectin snakes coming after them soon X_X