Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The flipside of the coin

Okay, I'm sitting in front of the computer wondering what I should write about. Should I write about all the things which went wrong in the past two days? Or should I write about everything that went right?
On one hand, I've almost constantly been away from home. Not something I enjoy. The heat has been almost intolerable. I had to attend a family thing which I was not keen on at all. My niece slipped and fell when she was playing with me and cut her upper lip. My dad was in an accident and the skin on his knee has been scraped off. He had to get a TT shot. And there was a huge cockroach in my room last night.

On the other hand, I was in an air-conditioned car while we did all the travelling. When my niece fell down and I noticed there was blood in her mouth, my first thought was 'Oh God, she's broken a tooth.' A cut upper lip is better than a broken tooth.(Sounds like something you'd find in a fortune cookie right? Life's like that.)

My dad could have gotten seriously hurt but he didn't. In fact, he was acting like it was nothing and kept walking around while the rest of us, my mom especially, kept urging him not to act like an early Christian martyr and sit down. About that family thing? Well, the good thing is that it ended with no problems. For me, the good thing is that it ended, period. I had to beg and plead with my mother to kill the roach. But it is a mark of the extent of maternal love that she got up at midnight and actually did it.

And I'm still alive. Yeah, I'd say things went right.