Saturday, October 24, 2009

An inconsequential post. You have been warned.

Ah, my life. Who can beat it?
Okay, don’t answer that.

There are facets to every day life which we take for granted. Like Facebook. Imagine life without Facebook. It seems ridiculously easy to me but going a day without Farmville, Café World and Mafia Wars seems to chill people to the bone. Benita just found a lonely black sheep on her farm! Bala just hired Anita to work in his café! Joseph just killed 56 people! Why would anyone not get addicted to this stuff? Having a brain seems like a pretty good reason to me.

I’m currently being robbed by my dentist who’s probably building up his family fortune from filling my teeth. He also says I have to pull out four of them. And my mouth feels like it belongs to someone else. This is seriously putting me off food.

By the way, I’m going to be twenty in a couple of months. I feel that this should be marked by some significant event. I’ve got a few suggestions so far from all my friends and my sister. If you’ve got any of your own, leave a comment please. It would really help.

Well, enjoy life folks. You never know when your dentist will ruin your zest for it.


Unknown said...

If you wannna do something eventful and good....blow up Anna University on ur birthday!....the whole of Tamil Nadu (especially me :D) will be indebted to you! :D...*kidding :)* when exactly is ur birthday? :)

Sakura said...

Get a boyfriend (or in your words, soulmate). If you already have one,its about time you let the world and sweet lil me know :D

Maia said...

Von, brilliant idea! Now where can I get some TNT..? Lol. :D
And Sakura, the soulmate thing is even more difficult than blowing up anna university. :P