Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tempus Fugit - Part 1

I have just had a week to die for. As my too short holiday draws to an end, I at least have the satisfaction of knowing that I have enjoyed my holidays. Am I looking forward to the new academic year with optimism and joy that passeth all understanding?
HA. Not even if you paid me.

Oh, by the way, I am now a senior. It definitely doesn’t feel like I’m one. When I sounded a few people out on this very gratifying idea all I got were very sharp raps on the head for ‘presuming’ to be a senior. But I know why they’re all so cranky about it.
Damn ego problem. Every one of them. Can’t stand to see someone grow a year older and boss someone else around.

Here’s a quick recap on the past week:
(By the way, this is going to be one long post. I think I’ll split it into two. Or three.)

Day 1:
Woke up early, went to a Saravana Bhavan diner for breakfast, watched Star Trek in Sathyam (Yes!), headed out to City Centre for a huge lunch, dropped by the beach which was almost empty and scorching hot (but hey, why did God give us hats and sunglasses right?), sang karaoke in the car with no regard to the mental health of the driver, crashed in Remy’s place where we rediscovered the joy of messing up someone else’s room. Then my parents dragged me to my second cousin’s daughter’s engagement. (No, don’t try to figure it out. You’ll only go crazy.)
End of day one.

Day 2:
Went walking in the morning with three of my friends and scandalized the park by laughing too loudly. Seriously, laughing out loud is not frowned upon only if you’re one of those people who laugh for health purposes or yoga or something. Have you ever witnessed this? It is very scary.
And ridiculously funny after the initial shock has worn off.

I say, why make a fool of yourself over something which is not even funny when you can do it for something which actually is?

Then I landed up in Kay’s place where we went through all our old scrapbooks and almost died laughing.
It contained, among other things, descriptions of fat history teachers, misguided attempts at poetry and threats of incarceration in the school bathroom.
Now what can be funnier than reading your old scrapbooks?
Taking videos of people reading your old scrapbooks.
End of day two.

Day 3:
Operation Clean-Up. I pulled out all the contents of my cupboards and shelves, threw out junk, rearranged furniture and generally made a bigger mess before everything went back to its rightful place. By the end of the day, I was exhausted but proud.
I just cleaned an entire room.

Day 4:
Went to the park and played Shuttle for a change. I’d like to think I did not make a complete fool of myself but when you see forty and fifty year old uncles playing better than you, it doesn’t do your self esteem any favours.
Later I got my driving license! After going through one heck of a long and incredibly stupid process.

After that, I went shopping with my mother and got a bunch of new stuff because mom was feeling unusually generous.
Loaded with my recent purchases, we headed down to my sister’s place. The next day heralded my niece’s initiation into the mysterious world of kindergarten so there was a full out photo session featuring her in her uniform posing with her bag and water bottle and what-not. Finally, I got back home totally exhausted after all that infectious kiddie excitement.
End of day four.

Day 5 : continued in next post...