Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Beam us up, Scotty

It’s the end of a dark era…er, semester. It seems like an age has passed by already. The fourth semester takes the award for being the most interminably annoying semester so far. Whether it was the PQT professor or the visual programming lab…there was always something to feel crappy about everyday. I’ve never consigned an entire semester to the devil before but I do so now with great pleasure. Goodbye and good riddance.

There are so many things I want to write about that it’s impossible to put it in one entry. First things first. Star trek is hands down the best movie I have seen in a long time. Zachary Quinto is a worthy successor of Leonard Nimoy as Spock and Chris Pine was amazing as Captain Kirk. The visual effects were stunning and the whole movie is worth it just to say the famous lines, ‘Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the USS Enterprise…’at the end in unison with the movie.

Also the Vulcan greeting is quickly gaining vogue among my friends as the hottest way to annoy each other. Only we substitute ‘Live long and prosper’ with ‘Die baby, die!’

Of course, there were the usual moments of hilarity like when I, the klutz that I am, spilt coke on my seat and had to mop it up with tissues and sit on one side of it for the rest of the time when Kirk was hanging off the edge of precipices. He seemed to do that a lot in this movie whether it was when he trashed his mother’s car, battled a Romulan on a signal jamming station above Vulcan or on the Romulan mining vessel from the future.

This one is a real fall-off-the-edge-of-your-seat kind of movie if you’re familiar with the television series. I grew up watching Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Kathryn Janeway steer their respective spaceships through alien assaults, time reversals and black hole threats in unknown quadrants of the universe while the crew attempted to have something approaching a social life so I felt like a kid on Christmas morning confronted with Santa himself.

If you’re even remotely interested in sci-fi I guarantee you will love this movie. If you’re not, it’s about time you boldly went where you haven’t gone before and head to the nearest theatre, ASAP.