Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fashion on the Streets...

Every girl I've ever known, down to the most studious bookworm, always craves fashion and style. Most of them might not show it but the desire to look good is natural and there are few people who are completely indifferent to the way they look.

I'm not saying that looks are everything, but it is something we are all intrinsically attracted to. Like many girls, I went through the heady phase of imagining that my future lay in fashion designing. It pretty much went down the drain after my folks told me fashion designing was not a 'decent' field because of all the bikinis and bare midriffs. And yet, I drew faceless girls with long legs wearing my teenage idea of fashion. I still have those old notepads with the pencil-drawn figures. They are by no means amazing and sometimes only vaguely resemble actual human figures but they still make me smile nostalgically when I happen to glance at them sometime. I love good clothes, whether or not I’m the one who’s wearing them.

Recently I came across a blog by Scott Schuman, a blogger who walks the streets with his camera and takes pictures of interestingly dressed people whom he comes across. I am completely captivated with the idea of fashion on the streets and not merely on ramps and red carpets. I adore from his blog, The Sartorialist.