Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The aglet

Do you know how many times I’ve used the word ‘I’ in this blog? And how many entries revolve solely around my limited world of perception and thought?
Yeah, you’re right. Not nearly enough.

Okay, jokes apart (yes! that was a joke. Ha ha to you too) I do tend to talk a lot about things that can be of no interest to anyone, except maybe the few people who read it as a personal favour to me and to avoid a Fate Worse Than Death.

I thought to myself, how can I remedy this? Can I move beyond the narrow walls that confine me and expand myself into a larger world which involves more important things in life, like the little plastic thing at the end of your shoelaces?
Yes, I know it’s called an aglet, thank you.

And I just used the word ‘I’ way too many times in this entry.
Alright, this is a small ode to the aglet where no ‘I’ shall rear its ugly, inflated ‘I’ head.

Oh aglet, thou art more beautiful than...er, sorry.
The aglet’s a useful little plastic or metal thing at the end of shoe laces or drawstrings originally invented by the dude who couldn't get the lace through the tiny holes in his shoes. No one knows if he patented it, but it is a general opinion that if he had done it, he would now be earning a ridiculous amount of money and living on a private island off the South Pacific coast, wasting the ready on pink champagne and ridiculously high security.

The history of the aglet is very interesting but sadly, no one knows exactly how the idea was hit upon. Did someone wrap sellotape on the ends of their ragged and filthy shoelaces to keep their shoes together or was it the result of many sleepless nights and hard work..? It is possible that we may never know.
Some things are better left a mystery.

I knew it. I can totally move beyond the narrow walls that confine me into a larger world involving aglets. Wizard.


Sakura said...

You've finally lost it. Lol! :P

Maia said...

Come on, everyone needs to lose it once in a while. I just started thinking about important things and I was like, 'Hey...aglets.' :P