Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All roads lead to...where exactly?

I’m jealous. All my friends are done with their semesters already and I’m freaking out here. Some one I know, once told me, ‘We’re like rockets. We can’t fly unless we’re on fire.’ I can’t believe I’m actually quoting this person (!) Anyway, he’s right. Moving on…
These are a few things all professional last minute workers know:

1. The amount of work you put in is inversely proportional to the time left for the deadline/exam/submission date.

2. The mood only really hits the night before.

3. Short term memory is God’s gift to you. Use it wisely and often.

4. Do not freak out…till the last minute.

5. Catch up on all the conversations you’ve missed with God so far. And try not to keep it to a monologue of “Please, please, please, please save me.”
Boredom is not a concept alien to God.

6. This will never work unless you’re crazy.

7. We’re all crazy.

8. It’s going to work.

9. Right?

10. God? Can you please, please, please….?

See? It’s fairly easy.
By the way, you really shouldn’t listen to me. Really, do not listen to me. Listen to your professors and parents. Start studying early. Do NOT tell people that you’re crazy. Get a job which will raise your chances of cardiac arrest. Have an arranged marriage. Live happily ever after.
The End.

Of course, I’ll still be around. My fate isn’t all that clear right now. I’m researching alternate routes to happily ever after. I’m also locationally challenged. I have no clue how to get from one place to another which should only make things more entertaining right?
Lucky me.