Sunday, February 6, 2011

Love - part trois

Hello to the sum total of maybe half a dozen people who know that this blog exists.
I am writing to you, clear in the knowledge that this will be the last six months(or maybe a little more than that)when I can blog about completely random things without worrying about time.

Of course, I might still continue with this blog after I start my training and hopefully, work. Before that however, I'm almost completely jobless so this gives me a lot of time to think up random things.

Feb's here and love is being milked for all it's worth, literally. Even though it's completely overrated and a consumerist trap, it is almost impossible not to get sucked in.

The newspapers write articles on relationships, gift ideas and even romantic food. Strawberry cheesecake and chocolates in heart shaped boxes are supposedly the most romantic food to force feed your love. Jewelery shops give out discounts on diamonds and all the movie channels play romantic chick flicks all month long. If you're not one of those people with exquisite sensibilities and the noblest sentiments, you'll have a hard time not pretending to puke.

All I have to say is, do not get sucked in. You don't really need a national day to get your girlfriend/boyfriend stuff and write crappy poetry. In fact, avoid the rush.
Be original. Unless of course, you want that discount on diamond jewelery.


Sayan said...

I once saw an advertisement that said "We strive to make romance affordable"!!

On a different note, try not to abandon this blog. You write really well and there are some people who still follow your posts :)

Maia said...

Thank you! Every blogger needs to hear that once in a while. :)
As for affordable romance, people often forget that they have to invest a lot more than money for love, I guess.