Friday, September 10, 2010

Why I love maintaining a journal

I was flipping through my old journal entries today. I'm one lucky kid, you know. I have everything people spend a lifetime searching for. If you can, I would suggest to everyone reading this that you maintain a journal. There are so many memories which are going to be lost or forgotten if you don't have something to remind you of them.

You will not realize the importance of this until you find yourself soul-searching. You might not think a journal has an objective view of things, but when you grow as a person and look back at what you wrote years ago, it is more objective than you can imagine.
It can give you an insight into your own values and ideas. It can show you all the things you have when you think you have nothing. If you have ghosts of your past like childhood abuse,a dysfunctional family or even just a teenage feud with a friend, a journal is perfect for introspection and coping with things in the past.

I really don't have the discipline to write in my journal everyday. So if you have the same problem, take heart. I personally think that writing in a journal everyday just for the sake of writing makes things a little mundane unless you're dedicated to it. I prefer writing in it only when I feel that something needs to be put down on paper. It also helps me vent and express emotions that I can't show. It's a safe outlet where I can say things without hurting anyone else or being judged.

To be frank, I'm a hopeless romantic. It tempers my pessimism. I like to dream big, but I'm cautious when it comes to real life situations. It's one of my best strengths while it is also a pretty big weakness. When I'm unsure of how I should act in certain situations, I sometimes flip through the journals I wrote when I was a teenager. You won't believe how much that helps.
It puts things in perspective; it makes me laugh. And I'm always up for a good laugh.