Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lousy morning? You probably started a war.That should make your day.

There are times when the world grinds to a sudden halt and the phrase ‘heart in your throat’ doesn’t sound anatomically impossible.
It could be anything. Like remembering that you dumped your lab coat with the laundry when you’re frantically searching for it or that you’ve just burnt an iron box-shaped hole in your dupatta, five minutes before you have to catch the bus. Even worse is the hunt for the key/wallet/ID card. You rush down to your vehicle because if you don’t leave the house in two seconds, you are, to all intents and purposes, quite dead. You reach for the ignition and go, ‘Oh shit….’
(Well, I go ‘oh shit’. Please feel free to substitute it with whatever comes to your mind at moments of extreme stress.)

Combine a temper which is already worn thin and an inability to find anything at the crucial moment and you’ve got the perfect lousy morning. And make no doubt, whether a sunny disposition is contagious or not, a lousy one definitely is.

So there you are. One small incident lasting maybe a few minutes, according to me, possibly started more wars, accidents and badly written novels than the world imagines.