Thursday, January 26, 2012

How the Other Side Feels - The typical story of love at the workplace

Once upon a time, there was a guy and a girl who worked together. 
They were attracted to each other. (Naturally.)

However, neither of them wanted to admit it first. So they tortured the rest of their mutual friends at work by flirting blatantly with each other whilst calling themselves 'just friends'. Eventually, the mutual friends decided enough was enough. 

They had gotten sick of pretending to barf into their coffee when said guy and girl playfully exchanged witty banter cloaked in 'I'm into you' innuendos first thing in the morning. They did not want to hear them both call each other from ten feet away to play 'you hang up first' games anymore. 

The men disliked watching the guy lose his self respect and share girly moments with the girl in the hope that it will lead to The Perfect Moment. The women said it was adorable, but secretly thought the whole thing was disgusting because a) 'For heaven's sake, just get together already!' and b) they were women.

So they did the only thing which afforded them a modicum of entertainment. They teased the guy and the girl mercilessly. When the not-yet-couple arrived, eyebrows were waggled suggestively ('Ah, guess who's being mushy again?' *waggle, waggle*) , jokes were exchanged about the couple's prospective in-laws ('Hey, don't worry about cash. Mamaanar irrukaarla?' (daddy-in-law will take care of it)) and their future babies  were not spared ('Machi, you'll have two kids. I just hope neither of them look like you.')

Finally, the glorious day dawned when the guy and the girl decided that it was about time they stopped being 'secretly' in love and just admitted that they were together.Congratulations and slaps on the back are liberally donated. Girls say 'aww!' when guy feeds girl. Guys continue to barf into their coffee cups. 

The next day, there are two conspicuous absences at the lunch table. There are a couple of comments about how lovers ditch friends at the first opportunity, but everyone agrees it's very romantic and sweet. And no one says it out loud, but everyone is also extremely relieved.