Friday, August 27, 2010

On Nothing in Particular

I now live with two little tykes. The word 'No' takes on a new tone of urgency these days. If you've ever been around kids for more than an hour, you'll know what I mean.They're like cute, adorable little bombs which can go off any minute if you don't pay them enough attention/ they don't like what's on TV/ they're hungry/ you don't let them use your cellphone, sharp objects or just about any inappropriate, dangerous thing that they want at the time.

There are moments though, when you can't believe how incredible they are. Most of these moments happen when they're asleep or they've just woken up and they're too disoriented to do any damage.

Chennai's gearing up for a marathon this weekend.I've always wanted to run in a marathon despite the fact that I can't even walk a kilometer without collapsing with a stitch in my side. In fact there are times when I wish that I was better at the whole sports thing, but then I think of running in the hot Chennai sun and being gawked at by the myriad population of the city, and I decide that I'll watch it on TV instead.

My latest cooking disasters include a brownie which bore a closer resemblance to a rock and projectiles spraying the kitchen from a mixer when I turned it on without realising that the lid was loose.

I also need to start learning and not just study. There's a distinctive difference between the two and I think I'm a little hopeless with the former.This is a big deal now because if I don't learn anything, I don't get a job. That is not even an option right now, so I should buckle down and get started...
Things would be so much better if I had some inspiration right about now.