Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wish I could fish

Do you know how it is when you see dark clouds on the horizon moving threateningly closer every moment and you’re lying comfortably in a small boat, ignoring the sense of impending doom in favour of lazing around with a good book and a fishing rod? No? It’s a little similar to what I’m doing right now. Substitute the clouds of disaster with semester exams and the fishing rod and novel with birthday parties, movies, lunches and well, novels and there’s your analogy.

Everyone’s really feeling the pressure of the model exams, the semester exams, the constant, nagging fear of not getting placed or not making it through GRE/GATE/MAT/TANCET and God knows what else these people are writing these days. Also, there’s a new directive from Anna University that all practical papers will be set by said University and not by the respective colleges. Oh joy. Now I can look forward to doing that lousily as well.

And as if this isn’t enough, college day got cancelled. Not that I’ve ever really enjoyed college day, but it’s the principle of the thing. It’s yet another Machiavellian plot to oppress our souls and break our spirits. To all the Nicolo Machiavellis of the college management (no offence to the actual Nicolo Machiavelli whom I’ve heard was a very quiet, nice man with somewhat ruthless ideas when it came to winning at checkers and the like), I thumb my nose at you! With panache! If there was an appropriate nose-thumbing smiley, I would have included it here as well to express the sentiment better. That’s how supremely unconcerned I am with your plots to make us sit in class all day and dream of scaling the college compound walls in a desperate bid for freedom. So there.

Right, I think I’ll get back to my novel and wait for the fish to bite.