Monday, March 18, 2013

Advice from the Future

What would you tell yourself if you could go back into the past one year and tell yourself, 'Dude, you're going to do some stupid things. Please don't do them.'

Would you never get that credit card? Would you quit your job? Would you break up with that guy/girl earlier? Would you get off your arse, go apeshit crazy, give away everything you own and go off on a cross-country motorcycle ride with your ingenuity and naught else?

The point is, sometimes there are things we wish we could change. And usually, I would be all 'Oh God, it sucks that I can't do that. Woe is me!' I haven't become wise overnight. There are huge things that I would like to change. I would have liked to be more in charge of myself and not listened to other people's opinions to make important decisions. I wish that I had gone out more, learnt to drive a car, or do what I was meant to do in life and not take drastic detours which cost loads of cash.

But you know what? I don't know how my future is going to play out. And I've learnt by experience that listening to someone else telling you what you should do will never work. Not even if the someone else is me.