Friday, February 15, 2013

How does a housewife spend her time at home?

I've been unemployed for a month and a half till date, and this is the single most frequent question I get from anyone I talk to.

Most of the time, they're just trying to make small talk, and I completely understand that. I'm so conversationally awkward with people for the first half an hour of any meeting that I pounce on the least opportunity to nudge the conversation along. It's like a hundred tonne tortoise that you've got to push to the finish line. But after the fourth or fifth or twentieth time, I'm this close, this close to letting that tortoise keel over and die.

That's why I've made a list of everything I've done in the past month and a half. Maybe next time someone asks me, I'll ask them to read my blog.

1. 2-week trip with le Husband to places I've never been to before.
2. Cooking. Something I only began learning in earnest a month ago. 
3. Managing a house. This includes cleaning, laundry, the works. 
4. Weekends are fully spent : 
     a. Watching movies, 
     b.Visiting friends and family, 
     c.Friends and family coming over to our home,  
     d. Occasional trips to amusement parks and adventure camps,
     e. Shopping.
5. Reading. (I've cracked open Kurt Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse five', and I'm bravely sailing through Che Guevara's biography.)
6. Writing. (Or thinking about writing. Professionally and otherwise.)
7. Keeping up with Twitter and Facebook and Reddit and StumbleUpon and many, many food blogs for inspiration.

And of course, there are other things I must do apart from getting a job, like: 

1. Learn to drive a car. 
2. Start blogging seriously again.
3. Read more! 

This seems like a great list to me because finally, my list doesn't just read wake up-go to work-be bored-eat-sleep-repeat. I love the independence of having my own place, I love spending time with LH, and I love that I have the freedom to plan my day the way I want to.

So yeah. I'm a temporary housewife/amateur cook/avid reader/hopeful writer. Any other questions?