Sunday, November 20, 2011

Oops, did I speak too soon?

The going is getting tough. When I say tough, I mean this-is-so-frustrating-why-am-I-not-good-at-this tough. Because I should be. Sigh...nothing left for me to do but to tighten my belt and start burning the midnight oil. On the brighter side, I should lose a few kilos in the process. I take comfort where I can.

My day is mostly spent in front of a computer battling with assignments. I tell you, 24 hours is too short for a day. And since I can't catch up on lost time during weekends now, I'm struggling a bit. I've also been bugging other, one person. I regret my bugginess.  

But enough of that. At this moment I am quite satisfied with life because I'm surrounded by the people and the kids I love the most. And I'm blogging. Oh, and did I mention that there's going to be a bachelorette party for Kay and a christening coming up in December? It is going to be awesome! In the meanwhile, that midnight oil needs some burning.