Friday, January 15, 2010

What's new? I say, what's not?

January's here, characteristically bringing the fog rolling in early in the mornings. It's really something to look out of the window of the bus and see nothing but a cloud of unyielding white all around you.

I've started reading The Fountainhead. To call it a good book is an understatement. It makes you look at yourself in a mirror, stripping you to nothing but what you do. It tells you that men aren't selfish but selfless because most of them have no sense of self.
It's also got the strangest antagonist I've come across: an intellectual, megalomaniac 'humanitarian' who cruelly destroys this sense of self by talking of selflessness and charity, by obliterating the truly good by glorifying the mediocre and the bad.

On a lighter note, I went to Blur, a gaming arcade in Sathyam today. It was awesome. It has three floors, each dedicated to different categories of gaming. The fourth floor is for the experienced gamers with definite gaming preferences, the fifth for wii lovers and the sixth is a typical arcade. I'm pretty much uninitiated in the joys of gaming, but from all the fun I had today, I can tell you it rocks.

Oh and by the way, say 'Happy birthday' to the Princess everyone! It was a little sad that the only part we played in her birthday was a conference call at midnight but I'm glad we had that at least. And it wasn't as if she was pining away for us, if the words 'blackjack' and 'poker' were anything to go by. Hey M, go easy on the gambling alright? Take pity on the poor souls whose fortunes you ruin.

I have a lot of movies to watch, plenty of books to read, a fun family, some extremely awesome friends, college work which might not actually bore me to death, MS-Word and good music. What more can I want? Or need.