I spent a lot of time sitting in Green Trends' lounge today reading stuff like Health and Women's era. I had an appointment at six but by the time I actually got anything done, it was closer to seven.
And I was thinking as I browsed through everything from new fad diets to slinky dresses no non-anorexic person can wear, fashion tips which I've already forgotten and how to get over a hangover looking fabulous (involves twenty minutes in a steam bath and even more time putting stuff on your face which takes away your natural hideousness. Never mind that you’re grumpy and that you feel like a truck ran you over. At least your skin is moisturized for the rest of day), that looks do matter.
Yes, worrying about your looks is superficial. Beauty’s only skin deep and all that but is there a reason why every chick flick with a cotton candy moral behind it involves the klutzy girl with glasses and sensible shoes getting a make over which suddenly makes her the hottest girl in the movie?
Yes, there is.
No matter how much into women’s lib you are or how much you detest cosmetics, you still want to look good. Everyone has a narcissistic side. Only, I guess overdoing it by spending most of your day worrying about your nails or your complexion is a colossal waste of time. A bad hair day and a tan won’t kill you. Neither will a hair cut and some sun screen.
So find your balance between looking good enough to be self confident and not being afraid to get messy when the occasion calls for it.